„Quo vadis” to następna, po Trylogii, wielka powieść historyczna napisana przez czołowego polskiego twórcę końca XIX wieku. Publikacja przyniosła Sienkiewiczowi pierwszą w historii Polski literacką Nagrodę Nobla, czyniąc autora sławnym na całym świecie. Powieść została osadzona nie w ulubionym okresie pisarza, czyli w XVII wieku, lecz w…
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Powieść „Quo vadis” wielokrotnie była przenoszona na ekran. Z różnymi rezultatami. Bywało, że ekranizacje okazywały się komercyjnymi sukcesami, o większości jednak kino wolałoby zapomnieć. Żadna z nich nie oddała w pełni bogactwa myśli i wątków zawartych w powieści Sienkiewicza. To właśnie sprawiło, że Jerzy Kawalerowicz podjął się kolejnej…
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Open education and technology

In 2012, the modern use of electronic educational technology (also called e-learning) had grown at 14 times the rate of traditional learning. Open education is fast growing to become the dominant form of education, for many reasons such as its efficiency and results compared to traditional methods. Cost…
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Purpose of schools

Individual purposes for pursuing education can vary. Understanding the goals and means of educational socialization processes may also differ according to the sociological paradigm used. The early years of schooling generally focus around developing basic interpersonal communication and literacy skills. This lays a foundation for more complex skills…
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History of Education

Education began in the earliest prehistory, as adults trained the young in the knowledge and skills deemed necessary in their society. In pre-literate societies this was achieved orally and through imitation. Story-telling passed knowledge, values, and skills from one generation to the next. As cultures began to extend…
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Traditions in education

Idealism – This tradition emerged in Greece and the famous philosophers who introduced this concept were Socrates and his pupil Plato. The basic concept launched was that all the things we see in this world are actually the copy not original. What ever we produce here becomes an…
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Inventions of writing

Writing numbers for the purpose of record keeping began long before the writing of language. See History of writing ancient numbers for how the writing of numbers began. It is generally agreed that true writing of language (not only numbers) was invented independently in at least two places:…
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